Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Proposal. For Reals This Time

I grew up near extended family. My best memories involve lots of cousins. After moving ten hours away I don't get to go back often for holidays and the family parties it means. This past Easter it was the worst. My parents who until this week have lived five minutes away. They went back home to celebrate and Mr. Bliss has to work. I was not looking forward to it. Besides, the Easter before some girl decided to speed through a stop sign and totaled my car so no good memories there. The day before we both worked. The day before any holiday is n-u-t-s. We were exhausted. Like- bone weary. We both were laying on the bed in our nasty, sweaty, gross work clothes.

Now I can't even remember what we talked about. I think we might have been arguing. Who knows? Either way he told me to close my eyes and hold out my hand. He reached behind him where my Gramma's ring was laying. then he has to ask which hand was the "right" one. It was cute. It was silly. It was us. Our arguments tend to last about two minutes then we are an even better team because of it. In general we are volatile people. I chalk it up to our Irish sides. Somehow together it just works for us. We are happier people with each other. We take care of each other and we laugh daily.

He didn't make much of a speech during the proposal. I know in a way he did it to make me happy. In making me happy it made him happy and pretty soon he was getting pretty gung-ho about getting married too. It doesn't hurt that his friends keep saying its going to be the most epic party EVER! The whole dynamic in our household changed dramatically in the week following the proposal. I couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't stop laughing and saying, "I have my Smiley girl back!". It was wonderful. I didn't have to ask for help. It is still wonderful. Don't get me wrong, we've had a couple two minute "fights" since then, but its unrealistic not to. Especially for us!

I can't even express how great life is right now. I have never been so happy. I find it...somehow not complete to call him my soul mate or say the yin to my yang. Actually, I kind of hate the phrase. Don't ask why, I'm crazy. He just complements me in a way no one else does. He calls me out on my bullshit. He fights for me when I can't. He is proud of me when I do something great. He cheers me up when I'm crying so hard I can't breathe. Its been 1,429 days and counting that I have talked to, laughed with, and known Mr. Bliss. I cannot imagine Day 1 of not doing the same.

So there is the (long) proposal story. I think I have the beginning of my vows. Mr. Bliss deserves to hear how he complements me in front of our family and family of friends. Only 1,128 days to go!


  1. *HUGS* SO happy for you! what a wonderful set of stories!
    also, catching up on posts! Congrats again!
