Saturday, July 2, 2011

Introducing: Miss Bliss!

I'm assuming if you're reading this blog you may be wondering who the heck I am. Or might want to know more about me. If you don't then just bugger off for this post! (#1 fact about me: I like inappropriate British phrases.)

First off, I grew up in the country with lots of pets. I hope to move back someday. And I've been a Bengals fan from the womb. I love watching football. I can never wait til fall, but then the Bengals start sucking and then watching is less and less fun. This is a picture of my sister and I. She's the crazy looking one. Unfortunately the Chiefs won the game we went to.

I also love me some ponies. Since before I could remember I loved horses. Me at 18 with my first horse and then me at like 23 with my second. I have neither anymore, but I sure hope to get another soon! For now I will settle for my two furbabies!

     Kellen. Or Cowbell. Or Bubby. Or Floof. No wonder he is worn out- trying to figure out his name.

This is MoeMoe. Or MoeMoe-Chan. 
She's just a ditzy blonde lol!

Also- I love to cook and play in the garden. I swear I cook more than pasta. I must like taking pictures of it though.

 There isn't much more to say about me other than I work a crappy job that I really don't like, but I am a junior in college so that's good, right?! I am a Communications major with a minor in Creative Writing. So I'm going to leave you with a picture of me with my Gramma whose ring I wear as an engagement ring. I'd show you the ring but its getting fixed right now!

1 comment:

  1. A) I am pasta obsessed as well
    b) you can ride a pony! Im so jealous!
