Monday, August 15, 2011

Suprise Visits

Sometimes they catch you off guard. I had planned to post this last Thursday. Then I got a call from my brother saying he and my mom were going come visit for the weekend. Sooo I've been dealing with that. Now on to the regularly scheduled post that has to deal with me slacking...go figure!

I swear I will get to regular posts soon. (Yeah, that worked out, right?) I just wanted to let you know I plan on having some regular weekly and monthly posts starting in a week or so. (By this time, exactly a week from today.) By that time I will be starting my junior year in college. Along with working full time I will be a very busy girl. That being said I will do everything in my power to keep up with blogging. School always comes first, of course, but I have a million post ideas. I should at least have a few posts every week.

Anyways, to the fun bits! Every week I plan on having a minimum of two regular run-of-the-mill posts, one focusing on a DIY tutorial, a wordless inspiration post, a post answering an email, and one featuring a random post from another blog that has moved me in some way. Also, monthly I will be expanding on an article in that month's Bride's magazine.

So in the interest of picking what goes first, do you have any requests? Comments? Slaps to the face? Oh yeah, here is the picture I always have to add...
Original story can be found here.

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